From the Back Roads


I suppose since Rome wasn’t built in a day, I shouldn’t be surprised that it’s taken me weeks to build a website. Had I known how complicated it was going to be, I’d have skipped that task, hired a professional and turned my attention to re-writing my next book. Still, I think the site is “pure-dee” representative of me rather than a mass-marketed version. Check it out and let me know what you think:

Seems I’m the last Wannabe to “launch” myself on the web. Truth told, I’d rather write a chapter than follow 900 blogs, tweets, and facebook posts. I’m not fond of posting to them either. I can’t imagine that many people want to know what I had for lunch yesterday or how I decided one of my characters smells bad and another is missing some teeth. While I appreciate the value of being connected to my readers, I feel as if I’ve lost some of my solitude. Most writers I’ve talked to lately are beginning to feel the same way. When and where do we draw the line? I’ll let you know when I come up with an answer. Meantime, I’ll keep my blabbing on the internet to a minimum and hope readers and followers will let me know when they would like me to chime in.

My first novel, The Dividing Season, is now posted for sale on Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites even though the official publication date is a month or two away. I have print copies on hand, too. Only a few more loose ends to tie up before I can make the publication date official. Wish me luck!